Fall Saturday's are my favorite time of year. Not only is it beautiful weather in FL, but I get to do the one thing I love most by watching a full day of college football. If I am not at the Swamp, I will usually be found throwing Gameday parties, having rivalry themed menus and drinks and having all my friends over so they can argue with me since most of them think the Gators don't deserve to be #1. It's tough being a Gator sometimes.....
People have often asked me where my vision came from for Halftime Designs. I really can't answer that question, as these images just pop in my head (usually after a glass or two of wine). I have had a fun time with coming up with Halftime Designs. I do think my love for throwing theme parties may have been where the inspiration for the
Gator Girls Sushi Bar and
Nole Girls Sushi Bar images came from, with their rivalry themed sushi menus.

I must add that I start off every Saturday watching College Gameday (usually disagreeing with everything Korso says). But I must ask....why is Jim Cramer from Mad Money doing a feature for college football? I don't like it, not one bit! Since today's College Gameday is out of State College in PA, I figured I would introduce you to the
Penntini (check out Nittany's Scarf!), available now in the online store.
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